
To create a newsletter, go to the appropriate section and click on "Create":

The mailing list looks the same as a regular script. But she always has a starting block, which is called “Start mailing”.

Let's ask the user to write something in this starting block and move on to another script:

To send a newsletter, click "Set up a newsletter". Here we can choose which channel to send the newsletter to, which users, set additional conditions:

For example, the subscriber wrote to the bot, but did not leave the phone. I send out a mailing list to all users without a number and ask you to leave contact information for the bot. Our script does not yet provide for such a technique, but you can create a variable that marks such users.

Once set up, the newsletter can be sent or scheduled for the future. Immediately after sending, we get to the screen with information about the mailing:

And in Telegram, we receive a message, by answering which we get into another script, as it was intended:

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