Registration in the service
If you like video instructions more than text with pictures, then there is a short video for you on how to register in Smartbot Pro:
And here is the text with illustrations.
Before you start working, you need to register in the service. To do this, go to the authorization page and click the "register" button:
Fill out the form and click "register".
The next step is to create an account.
The account is your personal domain, through which you and your team members will be able to access the service.
To create an account, enter a name, for example, the name of your company or just any word you like. Note that the account name will be used as the domain for accessing the account. You can change the domain, but it must comply with the rules:
Only latin characters, numbers, -, _
Length from 7 to 23 characters
Must not start or end with "-" and "_"
After creating the domain, you will be taken to the main screen of the service and will be able to create bot scripts:
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