Creating the first script
In the future, you can use one of the ready-made templates:
But now for training, we will create our own:
Let's create a bot in Telegram. It will respond to the start button or the "Hi" message:
The bot will respond to this with “Hello from the bot!”
To publish a script, you need to link a channel. Click on the "Publish" button at the top right and we get a message:
A channel is any VK community or a chat bot in Telegram, which must first be added to the system.
If we click "Create a channel", we will see that so far the list of channels is empty. Let's create a new bot. To do this, follow the link in BotFather:
A dialogue will open in Telegram. Here you need to execute the /newbot command, select a name and username and get a token from BotFather:
Copy the token, paste it into the service window and click "Create":
The channel is now bound to the script:
Pay attention to the words "Account is linked". Now it's set to "No". You need to click "bind" and send a specific message to your bot:
This will link your Telegram account to the service and confirm that you are an administrator. Now you can publish the script, go to the bot and test its work:
The administrator can also test unpublished scenarios, we will talk about this in more detail a little later.
Last updated